Full C60 Olive Oil Interview With Professor Fathi Moussa

C60 Olive Oil Interview: Who is Professor Fathi Moussa?

Professor Fathi Moussa and Tarek Baati were the researchers that published the University of Paris Study in April of 2012, showed rodents that had been given C60 Olive Oil had their lifespans almost double in length. This breakthrough study has provided many answers regarding how the study was performed.

However, here at C60.net we had more questions regarding the C60 Olive Oil that Professor Fathi Moussa used in his study. So we flew to Paris France, to ask the good Professor our questions. We met him at the Paris Trousseau Hospital in the Department of Biochemistry, where he lends his expertise to the hospital’s medical doctors and patients.

Interview with Professor Fathi Moussa

Below we present the full interview with Professor Fathi Moussa regarding our C60 Olive Oil questions.
His study on rodents using C60 and Olive Oil showed a dramatic increase in lifespan of the rodents.

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You Can Now Purchase C60 Olive Oil from RevGenetics For Your Research:

About Anthony

Anthony Loera is the President and Founder of RevGenetics. His posts provide information on Telomerase Activators, TA-65Resveratrol and C60 Olive Oil.

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